Starve.io is a multiplayer survival game where you have to collect resources, fight mobs and build farms in order to survive and not starve.
How to play
Click "Play", and start your attempt to survive in the different worlds of Starve.io
Movement (WASD or Arrows), Hit (Left click), Cancel crafting (R), Open map (Y), and Chat (Enter).
The game modes are zombie mode, community modes, forest mode, vampire mode, normal mode, and experimental mode.
The game weapons are swords, spears, bows, and shields.
The game foods are berries, pumpkin, garlic, raw meat, fish, flour, carrot, tomatoes, aloe vera, cactus, cooked meat, cooked fish, bread, sandwich, cookies, and cake.
The game mobs are rabbit, wolf, spider, boar, hawk, firefly, penguin, arctic fox, polar bear, baby mammoth, mammoth, baby dragon, dragon, and more.
The game resources are wood, stone, gold, diamond, amethyst, redite, ground, sand, ice cube, and emerald.
The game equipment are wooden pickaxe, diamond hammer, books, pitchfork, diamond pickaxe, golden shovel, bucket, wrench, machete, and more.
The game swords are wooden sword, stone sword, golden sword, diamond sword, amethyst sword, dragon sword, reidite sword, cursed sword, and lava sword.
The game spears are wooden spear, stone spear, golden spear, diamond spear, amethyst spear, dragon spear, crab spear, reidite spear, and lava spear.
The game bows are wooden bow, stone bow, golden bow, diamond bow, amethyst bow, reidite bow, and dragon bow.
The game shields are wooden shield, stone shield, golden shield, diamond shield, amethyst shield, and reidite shield.
The game vehicles are boat, sled, plane, saddle, tamed boar, tamed hawk, tamed king crab, tamed baby dragon, tamed baby lava, and tamed baby mammoth.
The game clothing are chapkas, helmets, turbans, heat protections, diving gear, hoods, peasants' tunics, crowns, explorer's hat, and backpack.
The game structures are wooden wall, stone door, golden spikes, diamond door spikes, amethyst spikes, reidite door, amethyst wall, and more.
Miscellaneous Structures
The game miscellaneous structures are workbench, chest, totem, well, resurrection stone, emerald machine, bridge, roof, sign, bed, and tower.
Agricultural Structures
The game agricultural structures are berry seeds, wheat seeds, pumpkin seeds, garlic seeds, thorn bush seeds, carrot seeds, windmill, and more.
Miscellaneous Items
The game miscellaneous items are paper, blue thread, bottle, water bottle, lock, key, and bandage.
The game fires are campfire, big fire, and furnace.
Quest Rewards
The game quest rewards are green gem, orange gem, blue gem, blue orb, blue cube, black wolf fur, white wolf fur, lava orb, and lava cube.
The game drops are rabbit fur, wolf fur, thread, hawk feather, winter fur, penguin feather, dragon heart, piranha scales, kraken skin, crab claw, vulture feather, and lava heart.
Create account
Click on "Login", then choose the method you want to register through (Google - Facebook) and enter the required information.
To move, use WASD or arrow keys.
To hit, use left click.
Cancel crafting
To cancel crafting, use right click.
Auto feed
To auto feed, use R key.
Open map
To open map, use Y key.
To chat, use enter key.
Starve.io is well compatible with desktop only.
The game requires free 500 MB RAM and a good internet connection to run.
Starve.io is developed by LapaMauve.